Are you sure you are right?

Are you sure you a te positive about you life well you can take this quiz and find out but if you don't it's your loss not mine but it's whatever. So

Are you sure your ready for this quiz cuz I don't think you are so like don't take this quiz no seriously don't try this you might hurt your feelings

Created by: Connor21

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you sure your cool?
  2. Are you sure your awesome?
  3. Are you sure your chill?
  4. Are you sure your stressed
  5. Are you sure you funny
  6. Are you sure you crazy
  7. I'm out of questions so bye
  8. Ahh
  9. My life be like
  10. Let me hear the

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Quiz topic: Am I sure you are right?