Are you stupid?

score high and your smart low and your not please give it a try i actually made this quiz during statistics when i was bored there were a few inspirational people that helped me .. but im not goingto name them

please give it a try i actually made this quiz during statistics when i was bored there were a few inspirational people that helped me .. but im not goingto name them

Created by: Jo'El Lan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you read the Dictionary?
  2. Are you white?
  3. Are you in school?
  4. Whats(was) your GPA?
  5. Are you Lenard Cataland?
  6. Are you putting together a quiz that determines whether or not a complete stranger is stupid?
  7. Do you talk like yoda?
  8. Garg?
  9. Bargle guhrizzle
  10. Are you blond?

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Quiz topic: Am I stupid?