Are you smart enough for this quiz?

There are many smart people, but few true geniuses. Genius is, afterall, quite exceptional. Try answering this relativly easy quiz and see if your smart.

Are YOU a genius? Are YOU intelligent, try this quiz, how smart are you really? Only one way to find out, answer the easy quiz, unless your scared of it!

Created by: Nando
  1. Lets start easy. Do you know where pizza is made?
  2. Now. Which number is not a Sky TV channel
  3. Time for Geography. Which is not a Country
  4. True or False. Mario balotelli plays for Juventus
  5. Question 5. What does NASA stand for
  6. Video Games. Minecraft is a PC and Xbox and PS3 game
  7. KFC stands for...
  8. Which year will be a leap year
  9. Which is most used
  10. Final Question. What do most people die of each year

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Quiz topic: Am I smart enough for this quiz?