are you my type?

hey ! I know people don't read this as even I don't lets start the quiz directly.. so tick the answers you feel are right according to youso ....

so lets start with this quiz be true..and check my youtube channel pinknpeachremember tick the correct answers or the answers you feel are right according to you

Created by: Shrumita kate
  1. Quizzes must have between 10 and 60 questions. Got it!your age
  2. your hair color
  3. your eyes
  4. your favorite cuisine
  5. your favorite animal
  6. your dream vacation
  7. did u like this quiz
  8. ooops ! looks like I forgot a question!here you go.........what continent are you from?
  9. so are you ready?
  10. kk then what are you waiting forready?

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Quiz topic: Am I my type?

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