Are You Light or L From Death Note

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Are you a Death Note fan? New/Old, well here you go. This quiz will depend on who you are more alike, Light Yagami or L Lawliet. Who do you think you're more alike?

I know Death Note was like twenty seven century's ago but I believe it was a good anime and I am here because of boredom and hopefully usefulness. There might be some spoilers so don't ruin it for yourself if you have not finished it.

Created by: killjoylester27

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What kind of smart are you/want to be?
  2. Blue or Red for eyes? (If you had to chose for intense moments)
  3. You tend to _________ to your food in certain situations.
  4. Your hair is mostly
  5. How much do you hate losing?
  6. How do you usually dress?
  7. Do you prefer a partner?
  8. Do you want a Death Note?
  9. If you had a Death Note what would you do?
  10. Would you rather be the sarcastic smart one or the powerful smart one
  11. Would you die and be known doing good or live and maybe have years added to your life doing evil?
  12. Do you wear shoes in your home?
  13. Are you the oldest one in your friend group?
  14. Which of these colours do you like the most?

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Quiz topic: Am I Light or L From Death Note