Are You Harry Styles' Dream Girl?

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Harry styles is a great singer and a very talented guy. Are you falling for him? I know I am. His curly brown hair and green eyes, you gotta love him!

Are you falling for him? If so, take this quiz to see if you are his dream girl! It just takes minutes to see if you are the right girl for him!!!!!!!

Created by: mackenzie
  1. What color hair do you have?
  2. What color eyes do you have?
  3. Do you have a nice smile?
  4. Do you swear?
  5. Do you squeal when you get excited?
  6. What type of hair do you have?
  7. Do you overreact?
  8. Do you do drugs or smoke?
  9. Are you intelligent?
  10. Are you talented?

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Quiz topic: Am I Harry Styles' Dream Girl? You can find more quizzes like this one in our One Direction Quiz category.