Are you gayer than your friend?

Are your friends always calling you a pouf, or camper than a row of pink tents, now there is a way to find out who truely is the Graham Norton of the group and who is the Vinnie Jones. After this you may soon see that you acctually aren't camp, but Brian might be.

Are YOU gay, find out for sure with this amazing new test you may be a grock around your friends but are you acctually wishing you'll be the next presenter or 'Blankety Blank' This test will show your true colours for all the world to see.

Created by: chris

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If your best friends husband/wife left them, would you...
  2. If you went out a looked at a film about comic book heroes you would choose...
  3. Your friends are going to the movies and you get to choose the film. Do you choose...
  4. Are you gay?
  5. Do you wear mostly...
  6. If you could have any car which car would you have a...
  7. Do you have a...
  8. Would you prefer a...
  9. Do you watch...
  10. Do you shop at...

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Quiz topic: Am I gayer than my friend?