Are You From Montgomery, AL?

Are you from Montgomery? Well prove it. Take a few minutes to take this quiz, on the city we both love so much. If you need help , just call someone of the West side to help you out.

Are you from Montgomery? Well prove it. Take a few minutes to take this quiz, on the city we both love so much. So get into a Montgomery state on mind, and take ths quiz.

Created by: Yasmine
  1. Which High School has the Wolverine mascot?
  2. What is Guthrie's?
  3. If you at The Rose, aka Top Flight, where are you?
  4. What rap group was the first to sign to a major label?
  5. Who is Dr. Fangaz?
  6. Which alias does not apply for Montgomery?
  7. What is Crampton Bowl?
  8. What street is the New Year parade held on?
  9. What teams compete in the Turkday Classic?
  10. Finish this sentence. "Dem boys holla Woodaa, dem boys holla shawty, but in Montgomery we gonna make em say..."

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Quiz topic: Am I From Montgomery, AL?