Are you from another planet

most people in this world are normal and were born ON EARTH. but some. . . .welll some dont belong here. . . .some are not earth natives. . . .but they just came here very young so they have no clue what happpened. . . .

Are you ready to find out what planet YOU belong on??? you MAY think you belong here on earth with your "family" and you "friends" and all of these normal human things, but your wrong. i guarentee your in for a HUGE shock!

Created by: gigi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Bleenorg Maataa Roomspag WEEE
  2. Have you ever road in a space shuttle?
  3. What color is your skin?
  4. Whats your favorite food
  5. How do you do in school?
  6. do you like chicken?
  7. Is your third eye big?
  8. How many times have you visited earth?
  9. My dog has a problem with her eye. do you know what to do?
  10. Do you think your from another planet?

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Quiz topic: Am I from another planet