Are you a Undertale fan or not?

Hello, this quiz will tell you if you're fan or no not. Weeellll let's get this party started skela bros. So take this quiz if you think you're a true Undertale fan.

Let's do dis kids or grownups whatever, you are monster, human, something well either way way lets get this party started or quiz stared whatever you want to call it.

Created by: eevee
  1. Who whispers in frisk's ear?
  2. Okay time 4 a hard one what one of these is a real Undertale universe?
  3. Who is sans father?
  4. Who is a real Undertale character?
  5. Un what?
  6. Who loves puns?
  7. What does frisk wear?
  8. Who is sans sibling?
  9. Does papyrus hate sans puns?
  10. Who is the big boss at the end of pacifist?

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