Are you a true friend or a user of friends? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a true friend or a user of friends?

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  • You are 71% true friendship material.

    You are a pretty good friend. You usually are there for your friends when they need you. You honestly tryto consider your friends feelings when deciding what to do or where to hang out. Every once in a while you make a decision based solely on what you want to do. For the most part you think of others. Good Work!

  • You are 61% true friendship material.

    You need to work on your friendship skills. You are not a horrible friend, you just don't always think of others when hanging with friends. You need to look at the different situations and ask yourself if you are being selfish or if you are considering others fellings when deciding what to do or where to hang out.

    Puppy xo1

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