Are you a true friend or a user of friends?

Are you a true friend? Do you always consider your friend's feelings when deciding where to hang out or what to do? Are you there for your friends when they need you? Do you expect your friends to go out of their way for you when you wouldn't do the same for them. Would you give your friend the shirt off your back if they really needed it?

Take the "Am I a true friend or a user of friends" quiz. Take your time and think of your answers carelfully. Answer the questions honestly. Remember you are the only person that will see your answers. If you lie on the quiz, you will only be lying to yourself.

Created by: Donna
  1. When hanging out with my friends we hang out at
  2. When I ask my friend to do a favor for me
  3. Which friend calls who
  4. When other friends are talking about your friend you
  5. When your friend needs to borrow your favorite pair of jeans for a date you
  6. When you want to borrow your friends favorite pair of jeans and they say no you
  7. Your friend has no money and needs to buy gas to get to work you
  8. Your friend calls you at 3am upset from a breakup you
  9. You call your friend at 3am because your car broke down on the side of the road. They do not answer you think
  10. You need $80 to buy that cool pair of shoes at the mall. Your friend says he/she doesn't have the money to lend you. You think

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Quiz topic: Am I a true friend or a user of friends?