Are You a Travel Freak?

Are you a travel freak? Do you love traveling but never have the time to do it? Take this quiz now to know if their is a travel monster in you. This is the ultimate of all travel quiz and will surely be your next guide to gauge your travel self.

Are you a travel freak? Do you love traveling but never have the time to do it? Take this quiz now to know if their is a travel monster in you. Take the quiz and in just under 3 minutes you will know if you need to feed that traveler freak inside of you.

Created by: amazon of Real Travel Guide
(your link here more info)

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You freak out when you received an email about new travel destinations with pictures.
  2. You saw a travel coupon while buying stuff in the grocery store.
  3. How should you behave at customs if you want to take some bottles of wine with you and not to be taxed?
  4. What type of shirt weighs the least, takes the least luggage space, and is appropriate for a wide variety of travel circumstances?
  5. When you saw a beautiful sunset what comes into your mind?
  6. What is your prefer mode of transportation for inter country travel?
  7. Have you been outside of your country?
  8. Have you visited the travel destinations in your country?
  9. What is the ideal vacation for you?
  10. Which climate you prefer to enjoy a vacation?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Travel Freak? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Travel Quiz category.