Are you a real werewolf?

There are people and there are werewolves. People see in color and werewolves see black and white. People eat a well balanced diet and werewolves eat all meat....

Are YOU a werewolf? Do you have everything a wolf needs? Until now you can only wonder. So take this quiz to see..... And just in case you are a werewolf I am not that meaty so DONT eat me.

Created by: Star
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When the sun is setting, what are you thinking/doing?
  2. When the moon is out, how do you look?
  3. When you are hungry, what are you craving?
  4. When do you sleep?
  5. Has your tailbone extended day by day?
  6. How do your teeth look?
  7. What do you do at school?
  8. How much do you like the outdoors?
  9. Do you like going out with friends and family?
  10. Do you have hobbies?

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Quiz topic: Am I a real werewolf? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Monsters Quiz category.