Are you a real skater?

do u think ur a good skater, not a poser? then take my quiz! posers need to get better at skating and skate culture in general. help out posers and beginners when you see em k!

PS. this is my first quiz so don't hate it. Please be kind! When ur in the comments,use kind language and constructive criticism, this was suuuper hard.

Created by: qwerty13579
  1. fav skater
  2. where is ur board from
  3. vert or street
  4. fav vid
  5. ok. if ur homie is filming u and accidentally doesnt film a great trick u did, what ru sayin?
  6. what do u wear
  7. how many parks have you been to?
  8. brand
  9. do you own a skate tool
  10. do you think ur a poser or skater

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Quiz topic: Am I a real skater?
