Are you a real A.R.M.Y?

This quiz is to test if you’re an actual part of the A.R.M.Y, at the end of the quiz I show you your score and how well you did! I love yah!!!!! Thanks for coming.

If you didn’t get the score you wanted then practice some more, then come back to get tested again, and hopefully you get the score you want and deserve.

Created by: Zaysha Larinaga
  1. What is Suga’s real name?
  2. What is Jin’s real name?
  3. What is Jungkook’s real name?
  4. What is Rm’s real name?
  5. What is V’s real name?
  6. What is Jimin’s real name?
  7. What is Jhope’s real name?
  8. How may members are there?
  9. How may bt21 characters are there?
  10. Why is bt21 called bt21?

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