Are You A Parasite? | Comments

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  • Great quiz brother

    Your highness
  • 93% productive member of society... that's a lie

  • Your quiz results
    Are You A Parasite?
    Your Result: Productive Member of Society 81%

    You are a productive member of society. You work hard, take care of yourself, take care of your country, and the world is better off with your existence.

    3% Average
    0% Parasite
    OK then, happy to hear you admit it!

  • Your quiz results
    Are You A Parasite?
    Your Result: Productive Member of Society

    You are a productive member of society. You work hard, take care of yourself, take care of your country, and the world is better off with your existence.

    3% Average
    0% Parasite

    Yay, genuine reform is effective after all! I have real humor and emotions. I'm a net economic positive by wanting our nation to let go of territories it can no longer afford to hold onto, hooray!

  • 90 Asset, 18 Average, 7 Parasite. Hooray!

  • Automatic parasite qualification: you still think Putin has told the truth at least once in his life. Your so-called "scores here" won't f---ing matter.

  • Yay, 87% Asset, 3% Average, 0% Parasite was my score. Because I stand with Ukraine and see through Putin completely.

  • "You are a parasite. You are an utter waste of life upon the planet with little regard for yourself or the people around you. You need to grow up, get a real job, treat yourself with some respect, or be another country's problem."


    • His right-wing opinion only. It's dated and hateful. It's an excuse to laugh him out of the room.

  • Your quiz results
    Are You A Parasite?
    Your Result: Productive Member of Society 80%

    You are a productive member of society. You work hard, take care of yourself, take care of your country, and the world is better off with your existence.

    31% Average
    14% Parasite

  • 4/5, except that most Americans are Parasites. No joke, they have the highest CO2 emissions in the developed world. I thought it was the highest overall until I looked more closely. Still, we need to do away with the notion that Washington D.C. only contributes positively to Humanity, which is completely ridiculous outright. I cant think of one good thing that our capital district has done for Humanity since the end of the Second World War. So many other nations have democratized in solo since then. During that era, the American military has failed to bring democracy to even one nation. Our politics are a joke, and wed all be much less poorly off by splitting into 12 semi-autonomous regions with their own semi-federal capitals. Each district however, would still answer to D.C. in the most important of cases (I.e. wars against truly unprovoked aggressors outright). However, the states would have control over their CO2 output and that alone could possibly reduce it by at least half, not only slowing further damage, but likely also accelerating true recovery, among the other important things. They could control an economy that would still dwarf that of many of our allies. After all, the people are the ones who built this country from the Inquisition to the present day. Being the first to modernize the Ancient Greek & Roman models for republicanism and democracy alone has given us such untapped potential, and going forward with it may very Weill get the other nations peacefully, negating the need to ever do it by sheer force. According to this, China itself may finally go in Taiwans direction, shedding oligarchy and becoming at least a Flawed Democracy, which would leave Asia more free to do the same, and further weasel from their remaining authoritarian elements. Who knows? It would likely reduce the Chinese CO2 emissions, which BTW, now put even those of America to shame, too. That alone could not only slow further damage by perhaps at least three-fifths, but also

    • Also speed recovery by an equal amount. Ill come back in maybe a year, and well see how well the process is going. For now though, Im out.

    • Wait, one more thing. Heres what the new semi federal capital scheme may look like, should the plan go forward.

      Hawaii and Alaska: unchanged
      Texas: Houston
      California: Oakland
      Atlantic-a: Philadelphia
      Kings-land: Atlanta
      Anasazi: Denver
      Huron: Detroit
      Cascade-I-a: Seattle
      Headwater: Salt Lake City
      Oglala: Kansas City (Missouri side)

      This alone surpasses what FDR & Truman brought to Western Europe and what Reagan & Gorbachev (surprisingly) did in most of Eastern Europe (or at least helped to do there, as crazy as it may seem).

      If it happened during Bidens regime, not only may he go down as our best president ever, but hed be so popular, that the rest of the world just might, in fact, finally follow our lead, just like so many of us have only been able to dream of. Otherwise, even the EU itself is going down this path, with even the infamous Brexit debacle failing to slow them down. At this rate, the European Union may very well be able to surpass the rest of the world outright. This assumes that other nations fail to at least catch up to this level of growth. If the rest of the world did at least catch on however, then Humanity could finally restore our scarred and divided planet to its undreamed-by-anyone potential, a potential of absolutely biblical proportions. If there were ever a way to really achieve the fabled Garden Of Eden from the Hebrew Old Testament, this would likely very well be it. Not only that, but we may finally be able to colonize the stars outright, and possibly bring our societys unheard-of potential to at least one extraterrestrial race. Even the Russians have such potential, considering that they and their ex puppet states, believe it or not, aided Israel in its greatest hour of need. Also, Israel turned what is otherwise barren desert into beautiful farmland, a feat that even the other democracies have yet to achieve, but at least a few may be poised to do in perhaps our lifetimes, or at least in the lifetimes of our children. Ill r

    • Ill return in a few years time to see how things go. For now though, Im really out.

    • *well get other nations to do it peacefully (sorry, I typed too fast) [no really, thats all]

    • **the other nations


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