Are you a noob in Runescape (Non-Members)

This quiz is for noobs only on runescape. Can you know all the runescape aspects or a you just another noob.This quiz is for noobs only on runescape. Can you know all the runescape aspects or a you just another noob.

Can you be better than a noob or are you so sad that you are a noob at runescape that you sell bronze stuff at the general store. hahahaha get a life noob(if you are)

Created by: Kevista
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. OK here we go. 1st question. Are you a member
  2. If you awnsered yes to the last question then please leave. This quiz is for non-members only. Second question. Whats your combat lvl
  3. How often do you go on pvp worlds.
  4. Are you good at pvp
  5. Have you been awnsering truthfully.
  6. How do you make money.
  7. Would you like to become a member?
  8. Whats the hardest Quest youve done
  9. which of these is your best skill?
  10. Hows the quiz so far?
  11. Whats armor do you have?
  12. How often do you play Guthix
  13. Are you good at Guthix
  14. Do you think your a noob in runescape?

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Quiz topic: Am I a noob in Runescape (Non-Members)