are you a naruto fan? | Comments

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  • Not all of those questions were correct. I know absolutely everything about Naruto and Naruto Shippuden, I admit it, I'm obsessed, but even I didn't get 100%. This quiz needs to be more accurate and precise.

    Isella Howler
  • I've watched every single episode and I've read the entire Manga series and I'm only a 50% fan? You're freaking screwed and your test was screwed too. I mean, Tsunade is the 5th hokage, Sasuke birthday is never mentioned and the only reason I got that right is because he was a newborn before Naruto was born, who the hell would know Naruto's Identification #, the 4th Hokage is Minato Namikaze, they never tell you who is the oldest between Team Kakashi, and you have so many misspellings in this quiz it's ridiculous. Who wrote this, an 11-year-old? I'm freaking 15 and I take all advanced classes with a 4.0 GPA I think I can remember a bit more about my favorite Anime than this idiot.

  • fourth hokage is namikaze minatorit so he is not there in the option only.

    tashi zangmu
  • what does sasuke <3 mean and the forth hokage sealed the nine tailed fox up so tsunade is the 5th hokage and kakashi didnt kill zabuza that one guys henchmen did so get ur facts striaght ur 10% a fan goodbye

  • tsunade is the 5th hokage not 4th. zabuza didn't get killed by kakashi. you should've been more specific with sasuke's age because he's 12 then 13 in part one and 15 in part two.


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