Are you a metalhead?

Metalhead: a person who has experience in the genre of music know as metal. Metal is an extreme form of music started in 1970 by the band Black Sabbath. It has since evolved into one of the greatest forms of music in the world. And there is no doubt that Metalheads are the most devout fans of any form of music, and perhaps the most devout fans of anything.

So, now for the quiz. Are you a metalhead? are you one of the people who can take the beatings of the mosh pit? Are YOU devoted enough to metal to name you first born kid after a band? well, the quiz comes next so you better know you s--- - or else... and i know this may not be the most thorough quiz ever, but its my first, so what the hell, just take it already...

Created by: Andrew
  1. Who/What is Slayer?
  2. Which one one of these artists/bands do you like most?
  3. What is the ORIGINAL line up of Black Sabbath?
  4. What has Metallica been accused of?
  5. Do you own a leather or denim jacket?
  6. Is that jacket [if applicable] covered in freakin' awesome band patches?
  7. The was a tv show in the 90's called Married...With Children, one episode was called "Dinner with [blank]" what goes in the blank?
  8. What is Ozzfest?
  9. Death is a band known most for...?
  10. What is your current hair style?

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Quiz topic: Am I a metalhead? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Heavy Metal Quiz category.