Are You a True Metalhead?

There has been a short amount of metalheads dawning lately. Thus it is good to separate the many posers from the true metalheads. This quiz will be simple, but that is because complex knowledge is not what makes a metalhead, but moreover personality.

Are you a true metalhead? Or just another typical poser looking for fame and recognition? Test that here, as the questions are of your personality and obvious bands, it shouldn't be very hard.

Created by: Jon
  1. What is your religion?
  2. What is your favourite area of metal?
  3. When around friends you. . .
  4. Rap is cool. . .
  5. You dress like. . .
  6. You arrive at a jock-infested school, thus you don't fit in, you. . .
  7. You listen to metal because. . .
  8. The music you listen to/like aside from metal is. . .
  9. A jock equal in height and stature to you starts insulting you, you. . .
  10. Final questions, bands, not personality. . . From which country do Cradle of filth reign?
  11. Dimmu borgir?
  12. How many members of slipknot?

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Quiz topic: Am I a True Metalhead? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Heavy Metal Quiz category.