Are You A Mario Kart DS Expert?

Do you like mario kart DS? if this is ture this quiz is for you! different questions about Mario Kart DS! Are you up for this quiz? If ture why dont you just try this quiz and test your mario kart DS skills and knowledge!

Are YOU a expert of Mario Kart DS? well this is a quiz for you!!!!! test your skills for Mario Kart DS!!!!!! are YOU up fot it? go ahed and start taking this quiz! i hope you likt the quiz!

Created by: Tmn1023
  1. How Much CC are there?
  2. What are the 2 battle modes you can do?
  3. 1+1=?
  4. which one of these tracks are from a battle arena?
  5. which one of these are a track in mario kart DS?
  6. Can you play as "King Boo" on mario kart DS?
  7. How Do You Unlock R.O.B?
  8. Last Question How Do You Unlock Mission 7?
  9. 6×2=?
  10. Miss me?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Mario Kart DS Expert?