are you a loner

there are many people in the world but there are lots of people with no mates and we call them lonners there are many types of them there are lonners who sit at home doing nothing some ohh i dont know

are you a loner if you are not sure take this quiz and find out just answer the questions truefully and find out be patient as well come on i bet your dying to know the test will know start

Created by: beth of bb5000bb
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. would you rather....
  2. whats your fave music....
  3. whats your fave food...
  4. what would you rather drink
  5. fave film...
  6. fave colour...
  7. fave flower...
  8. do tou think your a loner
  9. whats your catch phrase
  10. do you watch .........

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Quiz topic: Am I a loner