Are u a true Directioner?

Have you ever wondered if you were a Directioner? Been called a Directionator? Yeah,we've seen those hot messes! So,are you ready to take a magical journey to the land of Narwhals? Well,come aboard!:D

We see those "Directioners" all the time...but are they who they say they are? Take @plasticbieber,for example:she thinks JB is okay,while 'obsessing' over him on Twitter.

Created by: Bella
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do you spell their names?
  2. Who is 'Kevin'?
  3. How many R's?
  4. Finish the sentence: "Live While We're Young! Tonight lets ___ some,and ___ while were young!"
  5. What # did H and Lou do to prank call this guy. Refresh:How many R's?
  6. Nicknames?(this question doesnt count,btw)
  7. Harry's most embarrassing moment?
  8. Louis' favorite colo(u)r?
  9. okay...this will NOT affect your score! Are you a member of Flipnote Hatena? if u are,ur awesome!:D
  10. Ultimate:Lois is 1/18 ______!

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