AppleFlo | Info

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Hello there! Please call me Apple, Flo, or AppleFlo! My pronouns are she/her, and I would appreciate it if you don’t call me by he/him or they/them. ♡

I would really appreciate it if you guys didn’t pry on my identity. I’m not trying to be suspicious or weird, and I won’t invade other’s privacy, which is why I ask for you to do the same ♡

Created by: AppleFlo
  1. Hey there! I’d like to mention that I am not a new user.
  2. Hey there! I just want to point out that I am not a new user here at GTQ. I’m using this as a fall account.
  3. I doubt it’ll be hard to tell who I am.
  4. I created this account thinking about bokeh lights, apples, sunsets, and the city 🍁
  5. I’ll create a personal thread for this account, just to make it feel a little more special during the upcoming holiday season~
  6. I’m also typing a little differently 🍁🍁
  7. I hope whoever’s reading this, has an amazing holiday season 😊
  8. I may give this account away later, or just use it next year if I’m still active 🧡
  9. Ciao! 🍁♡
  10. I just realized that I need 10 questions 🍁

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