An ending at Hogwarts part 8 | Comments

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  • @Aria I like to mix up the usual writing style that everyone sees, and I just like writing in present tense because for me it feels like I'm there as well.

    @Music, thank you so much for commenting and sticking with me so far (even though its not that far into it) I love your comments and your story!

  • I can say your story has definitely piqued my curiousity and attention. I like the flow of the plot, your writing talent seemed to have come naturally. On the whole, I think you're a brilliant writer but I have one question: Why is the story written in present tense and not past tense? Most stories seemed to have been written in past tense, especially descriptive writing.

    Anyway, my thoughts on Draco. You are the only person to have ensured the same characterisation of Draco Malfoy from the books to your story. I greatly admire that although it's Slytherin not Slytherine :P Huge Potterhead here aha!

    This was a great edition as @music826 said and I look forward to part nine.

  • I thought this was a very good edition. It flowed nicely and had great detail. As a Draco fan, I appreciated the last few paragraphs there as well. ;) Looking forward to part 9!


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