Am I Popular? Okay? Loner? | Comments

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  • Kind of lonely,yes and like being a loner I hate most people usually they hurt me or manipulate me into things I don't appreciate or feel comfortable with. Can't wait to move out and have actual freedom and a life. Cool quiz anyways mate though.

  • Am I Popular?Okay?Loner?
    Your Result: Popularity Princess/Prince! 91%

    Everyone loves you as you are kind and funny, just being friends with you could make someone popular and you are the most popular in your year! Everyone wants to be your best friend and hangs around with you at breaks, you generally have people hanging on your every word, but make sure that you have close friends who don't just like you because you are popular.

  • I got Popularity Princess/Prince! Yes I'm popular, but not this much! But it was a fun quiz.

  • Hanging on the edge! So true!


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