Am I FIRE, ICE , or LIGHTNING? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Am I FIRE, ICE , or LIGHTNING?

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  • ICE 83%

    You are (ICE) the type of person who see's the coldest things about a person, You are the type who is closed of to others and can only get along with a hyperactive (THUNDER) nature. Finally you have problems with (FIRE)

    56% Fire
    35% Thunder

  • Your Result: ICE 88%

    You are (ICE) the type of person who see's the coldest things about a person, You are the type who is closed of to others and can only get along with a hyperactive (THUNDER) nature. Finally you have problems with (FIRE)

    30% Thunder
    27% Fire

  • Ice,I do see the negatives in somebody first especially due to past experiences with some people in my life. I do also like to be a loner but enjoy fun too. Cool quiz mate.

  • Your Result: ICE 77%

    You are (ICE) the type of person who see's the coldest things about a person, You are the type who is closed of to others and can only get along with a hyperactive (THUNDER) nature. Finally you have problems with (FIRE).

    The faded smoke
  • That's my favorite of the 3.

  • Your Result: ICE

    You are (ICE) the type of person who see's the coldest things about a person, You are the type who is closed of to others and can only get along with a hyperactive (THUNDER) nature. Finally you have problems with (FIRE)

    This is true. I often see the worst things in people first, and I get along with crazy, funny people. True, true.

  • i liked it. i got my favorite element. i cant stand hyperactive people so im glad i got fire.

  • Your Result: ICE

    You are (ICE) the type of person who see's the coldest things about a person, You are the type who is closed of to others and can only get along with a hyperactive (THUNDER) nature. Finally you have problems with (FIRE)

    Eh I don't think so

  • I don't EVER see the coldest thing about people until i actually know them, i like fire and i can't STAND hyperactive people. But i got ice, ice is cool (No pun intended. Seriously.) and the quiz was good. 8/10


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