Akumetsu Trivia Quiz

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Akumetsu is a manga by Yoshiaki Tabata, illustrated by Yugo Yuuki. It was originally written in Japanese, but was translated to English and put on the Internet a while ago. It's on OneManga.com.

So...exactly how much do you know about Akumetsu? You should be able to answer these questions correctly, no? Especially if you READ the manga. Have fun reading.

Created by: Asakuun Draconis of Asakuun's E-Scrolls
(your link here more info)
  1. For starters, which one of these is the closest to the English meaning of "akumetsu"?
  2. What did the first masked man introduce himself as in the first kill?
  3. What is the name of the pistol used in one of the Akumetsus?
  4. Are there volumes of Akumetsu in English?
  5. What do all the Akumetsu have in common?
  6. What was Shou's explanation of Akumetsu (when he was talking to the girl and that strange public official)?
  7. What was the name of the police officer who was actually CORRECT about the identity of an Akumetsu?
  8. Which of these was NOT an Akumetsu?
  9. Which is the correct sequence of the fake's Akumetsu attempts on the life of an extremely ugly man (his name started with T, I think)
  10. What were the results of the autopsies on the remains of the Akumetsus?
  11. How many chapters did Akumetsu have?
  12. Was there an organization backing the Akumetsus?
  13. What did all of the Akumetsu'd have in common?
  14. Which of these manga did the author of Akumetsu also write?
  15. Was Akumetsu based on Death Note or the other way around?
  16. Last question - what were the Akumetsus? Really?

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