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Ok my childs, something rlly weird happend on the forums..... "I created a new therad" saying that why did I got banned from the forums. like, this is so weird i wasnt on gotoquiz 11 min ago! i was doing my homwork!

and i keep my promises! i dont post any comment on any theard, i just see what poppin there. (literally spying ppls convertations XD)the theard that "I created" was Hey I need to ask you something.

Created by: LiaTheBearOwO
  1. i hope you read the informative paragrhaps
  2. ok so "I created"a new theard on the forums saying why did i got banned from the forums
  3. and since i got banned from there for being under 13, i just go to the forums to see if something interesting happens, i dont post
  4. cuz i keep my promises
  5. and im strating to think that someone entered in my GTQ account
  6. and "I" look so stupid there beacuse "im" asking why did i got banned
  7. im so ded
  8. my account will surely get deleted for "posting"
  9. if someone enetered my account i will be sooo mad
  10. like, i didnt tell anyone my GTQ password and no one knows I use GTQ
  11. i hope u belive me :(
  12. and i hope my account wont get deleted
  13. bye :(

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