A spanking quiz for girls

You've been a very naughty girl and it's time you're punished for your misbehavior. Hopefully you learn your lesson and you don't need any more punishments!

You've been a very bad girl, so I'm going to give you a spanking to teach you a lesson. I expect you to take it like a good girl and not whine or complain or wiggle, because if you do, I'll have to spank you harder.

Created by: Me
  1. What did you do, young lady?
  2. You knew you weren't supposed to do that, didn't you?
  3. Have you done it before?
  4. Are you going to do it again?
  5. Do you regret your actions?
  6. Tell me that you're sorry.
  7. Here's how it's going to go, young lady. I'm going to give your bottom a spanking so that you learn not to make that mistake again. If you whine or complain or wiggle, I'll spank you harder. Understand?
  8. Now, just a spanking isn't a sufficient punishment for such an infraction. I'm going to need you to do one of these. You pick.
  9. Will you be good now?
  10. I'm going to give you your spanking now, and you're going to take it because you've been a very bad girl and know it's what you deserve.

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