A Little About Me :)

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Well here's my story: I've known Angel for a long time in real life. She is REEAALLY inspirational and awesome! Anyway, my old account was called Bear Paw Super but someone hacked and deleted it. :/ I was going to make a new Bear Paw Super profile but then I thought about Angel's WoS and yeah I am obsessed so real quickly I made an account just for supporting and fan-based stuffffff. But I'm also doing a new main account. So that's me.

You didn't read the paragraph above did you?? I was told that nobody reads these things /:( Not even this, I bet. So if you ARE reading this, then... wow.

Created by: WoS Fan
  1. So... yeah hi. My name is Tasha and you're... taking this quiz...
  2. Here is some stuff about me...
  3. First of all: Well here's my story: I've known Angel for a long time in real life. She is REEAALLY inspirational and awesome! Anyway, my old account was called Bear Paw Super but someone hacked and deleted it. :/ I was going to make a new Bear Paw Super profile but then I thought about Angel's WoS and yeah I am obsessed so real quickly I made an account just for supporting and fan-based stuffffff. But I'm also doing a new main account. So that's me.
  4. Also I love kittehs. Meow :3
  5. And I love wolves~~ that's why I am such a fan of WoS. And WoM and other wolf stuff!
  6. Also pandas and grizzlies and sun bears... :D
  7. Me fave color is violet and fir tree green.
  8. My b-day?? Weeeell I can't say much (duh I'm on the Internet) but it's either a day in April or September :)
  9. I like being happy and writing stories and drawing. But not that much. I'm mostly good at singing and acting.
  10. (And yes, I have long hair. It is blonde-ish brown-ish)
  11. Goodbye now, people of the world! Thanks for learning about moi. (that's 'me' in French) :D

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