Are you truly Mexican?

There are many people with Hispanic last names,BUT only a few are true Mexicans!!! You might think you know Spanish because you know how to say "I like cats" in Spanish, but only my quiz will determine if you really are Mexican.

Here's a short story instead of an actual paragraph for you. Once upon a time, there was a little bear and that little bear loved blueberries so one day he went on a quest for the berries and ate them. THE END.

Created by: Naomi is boss
  1. Which of the names below, is your last name closet to?
  2. Are both your parents FULLY Mexican?
  3. Have you tried ALL of the following listed foods: tamales,champurrado,menudo,posole,chimichanga,burrito,chilaquiles?
  4. What color is your hair?
  5. Do you speak fluent Spanish?
  6. Are you familiar with the term 'chimpayate'?
  7. Do you know who 'Chicharito' is? What sport does he play?
  8. What is the second largest city in Mexico?
  9. What am I saying? "escoja la ultima respuesta si usted sabe"
  10. Puedes decir el Himno Nacional DE Mexico de memoria?

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Quiz topic: Am I truly Mexican?