*Will you ever know me?*

Here is a quiz to see if you know me! Enjoy it and tell me if I did a good job for my first quiz!I totally would appreciate it if you would do this as I am simply over joyed to be part of this website!Good luck!!!

Heh heh- thats my catch frase! Simply because I always say it but please love this quize!!! Id be greatful if you got top marks! Thank you for reading this para graph!

Created by: Jake Gould
  1. What is my favourite colour?
  2. What is my favourite genre?
  3. What is my favourite food?
  4. What is my favourite animal?
  5. What is my dream car?
  6. Where do I live?
  7. Do I love Pokèmon?
  8. Who do I care about the most?
  9. What is the book I am writing at the moment?
  10. Do I have a love life?

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Quiz topic: *will I ever know me?*

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