~ A Teens Love ~

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CHARACTER LOOKS: Aiden Hawhthorn (you); Brown almost black curly short hair, blue eyes, 6'0", athletic, sporty. Jasper Panez; Blone spikey hair, green eyes, athletic, 5'8". Keita Sparks; Ginger long wavy hair, brown eyes, 5'6", a litle bit chuby.

This is my first guy love quiz series. I hope you all enjoy it. If you are a girl taking this, I hope you like too. Guys HAVE FUN reading this! :D :D.

Created by: Moonblade

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. "AIDEN!" shouts Jasper running up to you "Aiden!" "Yes that is my name don't wear it out," you laugh "What did you want?" Jasper catches his breath "Did... you hear that Genna Mayfield is having a house party this weekend?" "Seriously!?" you ask. "Yeah AND she is inviting everyone in our year. I got us invites but" says Jasper. "What?" you ask, but you instantly regret asking. "We have to play at least 2 songs" smiles Jasper. You sigh angrily "WE DON'T EVEN HAVE ANOTHER GUITARIST!" Jasper steps back "Yesh sorry but that was the deal" Genna Mayfield walks past "I'm looking forward to your gig, guys!" she smiles walking out of the school. "B----" you mutter as she leaves the school. "So are we in?" asks Jasper just to make sure. You nod "Ok fine" Jasper punches the air "See you later!" and he walks away.
  2. Keita walk up to you "Hey. Why is Jasper so happy?" she asks. "We got a gig" you smile. Keita smiles then it turns to a frown "But?" "But it is at Genna's party" you say. "Oh... well at least it is a gig" Keita laughs. "Anyway" you say "I'm going home. Bye Sparky" "DON'T call me Sparky!" Keita moans. You laugh and walk out of the school. You walk past the florists, you can smell the flowers as you walk past. Your mum waves at you through the window and comes out of the building. "Hey Aiden!" she smiles with roses in hair light brown hair. "Hi mum" you smile "Got any money for me?" She stares at you "STILL broke?!" You nod. She sighs "Save. Your. Money!" "I try" you say shrugging your shoulders. Your mum hugs you and she goes back into the shop. You continue walking back to your apartment. You enter the apartment building and walk upto your flat. You enter. A rush of smells crashes into your face. "I need to buy some Febreze" you laugh and close the door. You make your dinner, macaroni and cheese, you sit on the sofa and turn on the TV and watch Tom and Jerry while eating. You finish eating and wash the dishes. You look at the clock, 5:30pm "Hour till work" you say to yourself. You have a shower and get dressed. You grab your bike helmet and walk out the door. You jump on your bike and peddle to KFC.
  3. After work you go back home. You reach the door and see it open. You slowly open the door. You step in and the lights are off. You quietly close the door and turn on the lights. "BOO!" yells Jasper wearing a scary clown mask. "AAAAAAAHH!" you scream, then you realise it is Jasper "JASPER YOU NOOB!" He laughs his head off "You scream like a girl!" You punch his arm, hard "WHY?!" you ask. "I was bored" smiles Jasper. "I hate you!" you shout. "No, you don't!" laughs Jasper. You roll your eyes "Your turn to wash the dishes" "Done" smiles Jasper. You jump on the sofa and switch over to the Real Hustle. "So we'll practice tomorrow and then we'll be ready for Sunday" says Jasper sitting on the arm of the sofa. You nod "Good" "Cosmic Shadow will have a great comeback!" smiles Jasper. "OH YEAH!" you shout high 5-ing Jasper. "Well I'm going to hit the pillow!" you smile. You get up and go to bed. Your room is covered in posters of ACDC, The Darkness, Queen and Katy Perry. You jump on your bed and sleep.
  4. Your alarm goes off, you roll over the knock it on the floor causing it to break. "Oh well" you sigh. You get up and open your curtains. The morning sun shine on your face. You make your bed and have a shower. You put on your black jeans, red shirt, blue jacket, grey socks and purple sneakers. You grab your guitar and head out the door. Keita spots you "AIDEN!" she shouts. "Hi Keita ready for practice?" you ask her. "Heck yeah!" she laughs. You both get to your bike and ride to the auditorium.
  5. Keita and you get to the auditorium and enter to see that Jasper has already set up the equipment and is standing there annoyed. "WHERE have you been?!" he asks. "Biking" smiles Keita. Jasper rolls his eyes "Keita, sound check" Keita laughs and goes with Jasperfor the sound check. You are left to tune your guitar, alone. AFter a while they come back having done the sound check. "Ok ready?" you ask. "Yep" says Keita. You and Keita sing "Devils suck and lies suck. The world is out to get you. You want to run away, But your life is full of gauls and ghosts... You wonder when will it end. You want fun, You want angels, But all you see is shadows. Oh shadows. Oh devils and lies, they'll pull you under, Drain your life of autumn days and wonder... Devils suck and lies suck. The world is out to get you. You want to run away, But your life is full of gauls and ghosts... You really want the world to end, Goodbye fun, Goodbye angels, And good riddance to shadows. Oh shadows. Oh devils, lies, will pull you under, Drain your life of autumn days and wonder" Everyone sings "Devils suck and lies suck. The world is out to get you. You want to run away, But your life is full of gauls and ghosts... Your life doesn't have to end. Sing with fun, Dance with angels, And put a curse on shadows. Oh shadows. Your life is miserable, But get out and run away... You want the greatest thing, The greatest thing since you had fun. You've got it all, you've got it sized. If you are confused check with heaven. Carry a key to help you along....... Get out and run away!" The song finishes "Awesome!" smiles Jasper "Better everytime!"
  6. You look at your watch, you've been there 30 minutes. Your band practice a few more songs. The owner of the auditorium walks down to you. "Ah, Cosmic Shadow. Your songs are getting awesomer" he smiles. "Thanks Mr. Wood" you smile. "Thanks Woody" smiles Keita and Jasper. He leaves. "Ok I guess we are ready for tomorrow" smiles Keita. "HECK YA!" you and Jasper shout happily. Your phone rings and you answer it "Hello. Oh hey dad!" you smile "Yea I went to school.... no i wont bunk on Monday..... ok...... yeah I know..... party tomorrow..... fiiiine no rude songs.... ok.... yeah love you too... bye" You hang up "Dad says Hi" you say to the others. "Hi Aidens dad!" smiles Jasper. "He's not on the phone, Jasp" laughs Keita. "I knew that" says Jasper. You laugh "Anyway, my dad wants to see me now. So see you guys later!" Keita hugs you goodbye and Jasper just says goodbye. You get on your bike and bike to your parents house.
  7. You get to your parents house. You can see your dad washing his fireblade 600. "HI AIDEN!" he shouts. "Hi dad" you smile "What did you want to talk about?" "Buying you a car" "WHAT THANKS DAD!" you interrupt him. "But" says your dad, your smile drops "But you need to get enough money to get one" "But I'm broke" you moan. "No excuses this time, Aiden" says your dad. You sigh "Fiiiine" He smiles "Good, now go say hi to your mother" You smile and nod. You open the door and walk to the kitchen. "Hello dear" she smiles mixing her curry "Want to try some?" "Sure" you smile. You take a spoon and put some curry on it. You taste it "Perfect!" Your mum smiles "Are you going to stay for lunch?" she asks. "Sure why not" you smile. At 12:30pm your family sit down for lunch. YOu have some curry.
  8. Your going to get the girls next time. Until then BYE!
  9. So who is your fave so far?
  10. Please rate and comment!

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