___10 Secrets___ | Comments

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  • Lol weird things

    1) My name is Alyssa! Everyone always spells it wrong and it drives me insane.

    2) dead branches in trees make me twitch

    3) I'm terrified of spiders (nasty little things)

    4) I love surfing the web

    5) Eating makes me happy (especially chocolate)

    6) I feel like I have no true friends :(
    7) Acting is my passion
    8) Reasing is also my passion :)

    9) I read the entire Paranormal Love story in 2 days

    10) I don't get bored easily

  • You sound exactly like me! I absolutely HATE spiders, I CAN NOT dance, and I think Justin Bieber music is just creepy. I am VERY shy in school and other various public places. I'm always the creative thinker with much intelligence. I took a test for enrichment. I failed the test, but I scored a few percent under what I needed to pass. :|

    My 10 secrets:

    1.) I have an awful habit of biting my finer nails, and my toe nails.

    2.) I am organized, I hate being dirty, and I'm such a clean freak. I hate my things to be messed up and stuff...

    3.) I am the "runt" in my family, I'm always teased by my older siblings.

    4.) My brain NEVER shuts up, even when I'm dreaming. My imagination goes wild beyond my own world.

    5.) I have an obsession with Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. Who can deny their complete hotness?

    6.) I often tend to sing when no one is in the room except me, I dance and jump around to the music.

    7.) I have a youtube account, facebook account, gotoquiz account, etc. I join lots of social network sites.

    8.) I find nothing funny about bullying. It's wrong.

    9.) I have dreams about One Direction and me dating them.

    10.) I have had many pets, most of them died.

  • i was watchin smosh and almost peed myself laufin also my tebn secrets r

    1.i like cake
    2.i like smosh
    3.i like no one at school
    4.i have lotsa friends
    5.i move alot
    6.ur awsome
    7.i think u are very interesting
    8.im awsome
    9.everyth ing i do is like rainbows

    10.and everyone loves me(if u dont ur a nobody because i said everybody):p lol me

  • OMG! I totally read that wrong! xD I didn't read the "quiz" part. Well, thank you for loving my quizzes. xP

  • @xSmile4meLolx Okay, you seem pretty firetrucking awesome. You should get a wattpad account cuz I'm not on gotoquiz much anymore. About your secrets, I have quite a few to reply to.

    1.) That's cool! I have two L's in my name cuz I'm really that awesome. Yay for creative spelling. xP

    2.) Thanks! ^-^ Trust me, if I could live in one of my quizzes, I would.

    3.) Same. Well, I don't cry. I get pissed. I love my laptop!

    5.) I don't judge. Many of my friends are too.

    7.) xD That made me laugh so hard! Not gonna lie!

    8.) Aw. :( I do too. I know how you feel.
    9.) You forgot awesome. xP

    10.) What exactly is a gotoquiz lover? That sounds intresting... :P

  • @TNMEBDMS girl: Is that a challenge? ;)

  • >.< i didnt finish got cut off

    7)Luv American Dad{ lol had to say this..Gimmie some of that FRANNY FANNY, GIMMIE SOME OF THAT FRANNY FANNY..~roger walks in~ PUMP IT UP PUMP IT UP PUMP IT UP

    8)o.o i get bullied at school so i sometimes cut my self :/

    9)im weird,funny,creepy and creative o.o

    10)100% Your GotoQuiz Quiz Lover xD dont get creeped out ;-;

  • Lol well i just love your quizzes lol i took this one and now i share my epic 10 secrets also..Well i just joined gotoquiz but ok here it goes :p


    1)My Name Is Megan{Nickname maggie or Meg} o.o but its spelled really weird i think my mom was drunk {Its spelled Meggan} xD 2 G's epic huh?

    2) I love your quizzes o.o and wish it was my life

    3)I cry when my mom say when i cant get on my laptop xD(because i wanna read your quizzes}

    4)o.o i swear you character Byran is almost like my friend Daniel xD {o.o also weird}

    5} well um o.o im Bi..dont freak out xD im just like any other normal human!!

    6)Im Adam Lambert's little entertainment :p{Luv Him

  • ^_^

  • 1. my real name is Veronica, a.k.a Ronnie

    2. i just HATE it when people spell my name wrong and/or assume that im blonde cause of my name (no offense to blondes though), or make fun of my middle name

    3. i have a good friend who has the same birthday as me she was born 12 hrs. before me

    4. im not good with words like i'll say something and it'll sound perverted or ridiculous but i mean something else :/

    5. im shy around people i don't know

    6. ive had this crush on this guy for like 2 yrs we're friends but when he found out i liked him all this drama went on (it's middle school what do you expect?) then lets just say i ended up looking like a desperate hoe cause of something him and his friend came up with (me and his friend are actually good friends)

    7. i don't like talking bout that^ or thinking bout it

    8. i LOVE reading im a complete bookworm :D

    9. people think im a shy goody-goody when really im not a goody goody and i have a great personality when you get to know me

    10. im terrified of snakes
    thats 10 secrets about me! ^-^

  • Oops! Sorry the other part got cut off! It was-

    Ps I

  • 1. I LUV COS!!!!! ( Cupofsquirrel)
    3. I LUV the Percy Jackson series!!!!!!
    4. I am very humorous!
    5. I am also smart!!!

    6. I really like dancing and I'm good at it! (not trying to rub it in! Plz don't hate me!)

    7. I absolutely LUV writing stories!!!

    8. I have a BFF I've known since I was two years old!


    10. I am ur #1 fan!!!!!!!
    Ps ( l

  • 1 i believe in some mythical creatures
    2 i have some anger issues
    3 i have three friends that i kinda trust

    4 my best friend is my cousin we have been friend sense three

    5 i never cry
    6 if ppl new who i really was i would die

    7 know dont juge this when i was little i played around with animals i found in the yard like lizards spiders worms etc etc

    8 i am the funny one in my small group of friends

    9 i am terrified of roller costars and the dark

    10 i talk to my self

    11 this is not the real wolfgirl1920 she is letting me use her account so that is why there are two things in her name

  • ok and one more thing i talk to myself when i am board and i dream that my books i write are real and i am the main character some times my cosine is the best friend in them

  • ok my secrets
    1 i have dyslexia

    2 i love to write ps have vary hard time with the spelling part

    3 i am insane at times

    4 i crawl out the window just to go in the woods every day

    5 my nickname well i have four dark angle, vampier, pookie, and monkey

    6 i pretend to be stuped so i get away with things easily

    7 i never cry

    8 i LOVE TO CLIMB TREES AND WRITE they are were i get my inspiration

    9 my real name is alyssa
    10 my creativity is taken as being insane

  • 1). I am crazy
    2). I am the random one of my "friend group"
    3). I am a vampire

    4). I DANCE ALL THE TIME BUT IM NOT ANY GOOD AT IT (dont judge me)

    5). I love a famous guy but no one knows........

    6).I had a cat but it died about 4 months ago

    7). I am british and have an accent but I live in America

    8). I love listening to music and I love to sing

    9). I am deathly afraid of spiders

    10). I love buying new trainers or as americans would say sneakers.

  • 1. I have had a obsession with tv shows like Bones and Csi since I was six..

    2. My name is Alyssa but everyone spells Alissa.

    3. I have a HUGE obsession over my Twilight books. The other day someone threw them on the floor (not by accident) and I may have beat him up. (Believe me, I'm not that violent..)

    4. I talk to myself in another language, mostly Spanish or French because it makes me feel like someone I don't know talks to me. (0,0)

    5. I irritate the ---- out of my teachers and still I am every teachers favorite --'

    6. I am autistic, PDD-NOS which comes with ADHD

    7. I also have a psychological trauma (Yeah I am pretty firetrucked up.)

    8. When I write a story I pretend to be in it. I talk to my characters.. (In English of course)

    9. I absolutely adore: The Graham Norton Show, Smosh and as you may guessed, Twilight

    10. I used to get into fights a lot and I would always win them..

    11. (Yes, I made a 11. Live with it!) I know all the Smosh songs out of my head and I LOVE your quizzes

  • 1.i teriffied of dora

    2.evryone says and spells my name wrong its asmahan not ashmahan.

    3.im british but i dont have a british accent, i have an american one

    4.im not supposed to be online
    5.i have a crush on harry styles from 1d
    6.i get bullied cause of numer 3
    7.i never feel a specific emotion

    8.i have a crush on my guy friend but i cant tell him... cause i no longer live where he lives but im visiting him... next year


    10.i talk to myself... dont act like you dont

  • If I had an eleventh secret it would be that I am WAY stronger than I look. Just because I'm a girl, don't think I can't bring it, sista. I will own you! >;}

    TNMEBDMS girl
  • You sound just like me! I hate spiders, I CAN'T dance, Justin Bieber music is creepy, I am SHY at school, etc., etc. I swear if anyone at school knew who TNMEBDMS girl is, they would be shocked. I'm always the shy kid in the corner, alone. :'|

    My 10 secrets:

    1.) I have a terrible habit of biting my finger nails, and my toe nails.

    2.) I can't help but to cry when I am angrily screaming at someone.

    3.) I have only 3 "real" friends.
    4.) I trust absolutely NO ONE all the way.

    5.) I have a weird obsession with Louis Tomlinson. (seriosly. Who can deny his hair?)

    6.) I am writing four stories at the same time, and NEVER get them mixed up.

    7.) I feel like I know the people I read and write about in books.

    8.) I talk to myself.

    9.) I secretly believe in certain "mystical creatures".

    10.) I find nothing funny with the word, "retarded", and when people laugh or make fun of people with mental disabilities. (Seriously, people, it is NOT funny. Would you like it if people did that to you?)

    TNMEBDMS girl
  • About making a series called 10 Secrets.....i made one! Check it out!!!

  • Oh and take out the parentheses on Matsush(i)ta.

  • 1. I am really sensative. I've been getting over it, but I used to cry over EVERYTHING. If you push me too hard, I'll probably break.

    2. I am a loner. My contacts is about twenty and half of them I don't even call. Over half actually.

    3. I am a bookworm. If I lost literature for a split second I would roll over and die.

    4. I hate math and P.E.

    5. I fear spiders, stalkers, and the song Kagome, Kagome.

    6. I love Doctor Who and Harry Potter.

    7. I am a huge fan of Yuya Matsush(i)ta. They always censor his name on here and it's annoying! Look him up on youtube

    8. I can't dance in any stretch of the imagination.

    9. I have a pillow pet. Mostly because they looked adorable.

    10. I love to write, read, sing, and draw. When drawing it's usually anime/manga style (and poorly at that).

  • Nice knowing about you :) here's somethings about me :P

    1. I'm not scared of spiders as long as they're little, my worst fears are heights, small spaces, and i think that's it.

    2. People get my name wrong all the freaking time, my name is Carolina (I prefer Carol) and people are all Caroline, Coraline (like the freaking movie!) or Coralina. Seriously people my name's not THAT hard to remember.

    3. Hey! Being smart is cool *pushes up glasses* embrace the smartness! I'm pretty smart except in math -.-

    4. I'm not popular out of 160 something kids in my grade I only talk to like 25 people *shrugs* at least if I do something bad it won't be all over the school right?

    5. I'm a freakin book worm. I LOVE to read and write stories but I don't like standing up and reading my story to the class (I'm extreamly shy)

    6. Blood... Makes me wanna gag I'm sorry. I can't handle stuff that involve alot of it because I think I would pass out.

    7. when I'm angry or upset or sad I'll hold it in but if you piss me off like on the wrong day I will explode

    8. I'm extreamly shy. Even if I'm giving my order to a waiter I can't look at him/her I'll just point to what I want

    9. I LOVE SMOSH! (well it's not much of a secret) my friend got me into it and I just can't stop watching. (Ian is my favorite :D )

    10. Well uhh... I don't think I have another secret and if I do it's probably one of my deepest darkest but I don't wanna post that...

    Ok there's 10 things about me. Oh and I'll keep in mind about a 10 secrets series :)

  • 1. I never cry
    2. I love spiders and sharp things
    3. I creep everyone out at school

    4. Every teacher I have had has been worried about me

    5. I'm forever alone
    6. Everyone at school hates me
    7. I have several imaginary friends
    8. I wish i had no parents

    9. I look depressed most of the time because i choose to not show emotions

    10. I LOVE your quiz series and I am areally good fighter


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