___10 Secrets___ | Comments

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  • Inaddition to #7 we were born on different days :)

  • 1. I absolutely am scared of spiders, needles, sharks, and snakes

    2. I hate when people spell my name wrong there is no H at the end of Sara and no S in my last name

    3. I'm really smart and hate it when teachers pair me up with peole who don't care

    4. I'm a bookworm and absolutely love to read and have contacts because of it

    5. I want to go to college but if that doesn't happen I'll go into the army

    6. I love to write stories. My ideas usually came from dreams or pop into my head when we watch science videos.

    7. I have a cousin who is 4hrs older than me whose name is Sarah as well but spelled with an H

    8. I'm kinda rough around the edges and tend to block out emotions (exept maybe laughter if that kida am emotion) to prevent myself from getting hurt but once you get to know me I have an all around good peronality

    9. I tend to speak my mind so if I say something that offends you or seems mean or rude try no to take it personly unless you you were

    mean to me first. And try to let me know so I can try to fix it.

    10. I have an imaginary friend named boblo

    Ok so I'm really tired while typing thisand it's about 12:30 in the morning cause I just got home from a graduation party *stretches and yawns* ok I'm going to bed I look for part 2 tommorrow night night


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