zombie survialist

I made this quiz to help show others how they will do in a zombie filled world. It will also help teach them how to improve. For other it will just be you live of you don't.

are you the type to be feared by all zombies or just a hunck of flesh for a unexpected zombie. In a zombie filled world it is live or die. so do you got what it takes to survive.

Created by: joseph chipman
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You wake up and a zombie just broke in what do you do?
  2. you are making a zombie kit and do you use?
  3. what mele-weapon would you use
  4. you are bitten what do you do
  5. how do you travel
  6. what would you mostly wear
  7. waht gun do you use
  8. (if a guy) would you bang every women you meet or (if a girl)men you meet to repopulate the world
  9. do you use a grenade to take on a horde
  10. where do you go first
  11. how are you in a fight
  12. are you a team player
  13. you see a crazy person about to sacerfice someone to a zombie what do you do

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