YU-GI-OH personality quiz

Have you ever wondered what character you are most like off of YUGIOH? Well , it's time to find out!!! choose from all of your favorite characters. have fun!!!!

Have you ever wondered which YUGIOH character you are most like. Don't be upset if it's not your favorite because I have tried many and only got my favorite ONCE!!!!! I wanted RYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Amber
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How would your friends describe you?
  2. Which millennium item would you own?
  3. Would you describe yourself as popular?
  4. Choose a catch phrase
  5. What is your favorite colour?
  6. What is your favorite food?
  7. What colour hair do ya have?
  8. What if you saw a homeless guy on the street scavaging for food?
  9. How close have you gotten to YU-GI-OH? (first one that applies to you)
  10. What does your usual outfit include?
  11. Pick a word
  12. Favorite animal?
  13. How much time do you spend with your hair?
  14. Bored yet?
  15. Which of these cards do you like
  16. How long is your Hair

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