Your Warrior Name

Hello, it's me, WINCLANISTHEBEST! I also will be going by TALLSTARROCKS, WINDCLANISAWSOME, and PuppyLover. I am obsessed with Warrior cats and puppies, which is a realy wierd combo.

This quiz is to find which warrior you would be in BirdClan, TreeClan, or FlowerClan. My sister and I made them up, so of course you don't know anything about them.NOW START THE QUIZ! Please.

  1. Would you rather...
  2. Do you like...
  3. What is your favorit color?
  4. Do you want kits?
  5. Do you like to run/ go fast?
  6. Do you prefer to be with friends, or alone?
  7. Role Play time! You are out hunting with your friend and you see a rouge cat. What do you do?
  8. What clan do you want to be in?
  9. ARF!?
  10. Last question I PROMISE! Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: My Warrior Name

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