Your Warrior Cat Life 4!

Hello again! Welcome back to Your Warrior Cat Life 4, with Honeypelt! Face new challenges and choose her story! LakeClan is waiting for you, wise deputy!

Honeypelt's story takes a new adventure is this quiz, plunging her into the nursery. She has to be fast to be able to help Willowbark, a fellow queen!

Created by: Echosong
  1. You walk into the reed barrier that separates the willow forest from the LakeClan camp, carrying a mouthful of cat mint and other herbs. Lightpaw, your mate, Lightstar's, former apprentice, trots proudly beside you, another type of herbs clamped in his jaws. He has just informed you that he is going to be a medicine cat.
  2. The young, grey-pawed tom drops his bundle of herbs in Cherrynose's medicine den and turns to face you. "Honeypelt, could you please talk to Cherrynose about my apprenticeship while I go find Lightstar?" he asks. "Certainly," you mew. He turns and bounds away with a purr of thanks, leaving you with the red-furred medicine cat.
  3. You look at Cherrynose. "Are you ready for an apprentice? Lightpaw wants to be a medicine cat like you.""Really?" the she cat meowed, "I'll definitely take him on! He's smart, eager and useful!"
  4. When you flop down into your den that night, Lightstar, your mate, immediately starts licking you. "Honeypelt, you are so understanding! Lightpaw told me what you did for him today, organising his new apprenticeship and everything. Thank you, dearest, for sorting that out." he purrs. You laugh."It was nothing, Lightstar! Just deputy duties!"
  5. You wake up next morning a bit after dawn, then jump up, panicking because you have missed the dawn patrol. You slither out of the cave den you share with your mate and run to the centre of the clearing. Silverfern, walks up to you. "Honeypelt? Are you alright? You look like a dog that's lost a bone!" You bounce on your toes."I missed the dawn patrol!" You wail, "I'm so terrible at being a deputy!" The grey she cat smoothes your ruffled fur. "It's alright, Honeypelt. Lightstar sorted it out." she murmurs.
  6. The pale golden tom trots into camp and stops beside you. "Morning, my love. I let you sleep because you're not your normal self. Cherrynose said so." His amber eyes sparkle at your confused look. "What? No, I'm fine." you meow, bewildered. Your sister purrs and leaves you with your mate. Lightstar guides you to the medicine cat den, purring.
  7. You sit down in the mossy nest in the den, still puzzled. The red she cat bounds over from her herb store. "Hello, Honeypelt! Come to ask what's happening?" You nod. She places a paw on your flank. "Why, I'd thought you'd notice! You're expecting kits!"
  8. Lightstar purrs at your delighted look. "Yes, we're going to be parents!" He starts licking your belly. "Now, Honeypelt," says Cherrynose, "In about a moon, or maybe even a half-moon, you should move to the nursery."
  9. You are allowed to continue your duties, for now. After Cherrynose's news, Lightstar bounds over to the Tall Rock and leaps up. He calls the Clan together and begins a meeting. "Lightpaw, is it your wish to become a medicine cat?" He yowls. The silvery tom nods his head. "Then, Cherrynose, you shall be his mentor!" "Lightpaw! Lightpaw! Lightpaw!" Yowls the Clan.
  10. Over the next three weeks, you notice your belly getting too big to perform all of your duties, including training Creampaw, your apprentice. Lightstar continues her training himself. You move into the nursery with two other queens, Nightsky, a black she cat, and Willowbark, a white she cat.
  11. You are asleep on a dark and stormy night when you hear a pain-filled yowl from right next to you. You jolt awake, the golden and ginger fur fluffing up along your spine. It's Willowbark starting her kitting! You spring to your feet with some difficulty, given your swollen belly. Cherrynose is crouched over the white queen.
  12. The white cat shrieks as her kit slips out, followed by another. You nip open the birth sack and start licking the tiny grey kit. Two more kits appear, followed by the last one. Your grey kit is passed to its mother, along with the other four kits.
  13. "Honeypelt!" Cherrynose shrieks, "Get my borage and cobwebs from my den! Fast!" You nod and sprint out into the rain. Your soft ginger paws slip in the mud, but you keep running. Suddenly, you are aware of a strong body supporting you. It's Lightstar! "What are you doing? Get back in the nursery!" He yowls. You shake your head. "Cherrynose needs borage and cobwebs for Willowbark! Urgently!" You slide forwards, wrenching your shoulder and falling heavily to the ground. A rock meets your head and you are knocked unconscious.
  14. You blearily open your eyes, blinking in the warm light. Lightstar, Silverfern, Creampaw and Cherrynose are crowded around you. "Honeypelt!" your mate shrieks. He covers you in licks and purrs. "I thought you were dead!" You nuzzle him briefly, then turn to Cherrynose. "Did Willowbark make it through the night?"
  15. Cherrynose's blue eyes fill with pain. "N-no. N-no, she d-didn't. She bled o-out t-too much for m-me to s-save her." The surrounding cats hang their heads in grief. "But, the tiny grey kit did survive. She is weak, but alive, unlike her mother and four siblings. W-will you take her?"

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Quiz topic: My Warrior Cat Life 4!
