Your most probable reaction

Ever wondered if anyone could guess how you would react to situations in life?Look further because this doesn't even come close to your real reactions. The best part is...this has only a few questions!!!!

But if you want to take this quiz because your bored or want to be flattered feel free to do so :) The best part is...this has only a few questions!!!!

Created by: Nighteyes
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you are walking down the street, and a major accident happens.What will you do?
  2. You are approached by a homeless person, asking for any money you can spare.What do you do?
  3. What type of life are you looking for?
  4. If your in school/collage,and everyone notices that your teacher/professor made a error. What would you do?
  5. Do you go with the society?or does society go with you?
  6. If a very good looking person comes and starts chatting with you.What do you do?
  7. This is my first try at a quiz, and i didn't do so good.Would you take this again if i made a better one?
  8. Was this a ok quiz?
  9. Are you truly curious about life?
  10. Would you rather be in the spotlight?

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Quiz topic: My most probable reaction