Your Love Story (She-cats Only)

Welcome to Your Love Story (She-cats Only)! In this you are a she-cat named Leafwind and three toms are attracted to you; Branchwhisker, Sharpfur and Lightfoot.

Not many obstacles are in this one, but I promise I will make part 2 and it will be more interesting. But PLAY THIS ONE FIRST, GOT IT? Because then the next won't make any sense.

Created by: GamerStarGirl
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are a young warrior with a brown tabby pelt and white chest named Leafwind. you wake up to a cloudy day and know hat it will be a rainy day. You exit the den and head to the fresh-kill pile. You pick a ______ to eat.
  2. You settle down to eat near the warrior's den (in case it starts to rain soon) when a golden tom settles down net to you and begins eating a vole.
  3. The tom nods to you and swallows a piece of the vole before speaking. "Hi. You are?" "Uh, Leafwind...." You reply. "Ah, Leafwind. I'm Lightfoot. Nice to meet you."
  4. If you made a rude remark, he ignores you) Lightfoot nods again and finishes his vole. "Stripestar wanted me to tell you your on border patrol with me, Branchwhisker and Sharpfur."
  5. Lightfoot walks back into the warrior's den and you finish your breakfast. You then wait for the toms. Lightfoot (finally) leaves the den with a long-furred grey tom and a brown tabby tom. You four leave MoonClan camp and head towards the border dividing MoonClan and SunClan. "So... Leafwind... how has, uh, your day been... so far?" Sharpfur (the grey tom) stammers nervously to you.
  6. You head back to camp. You can't see the sun anymore, and the clouds are getting darker and darker. You suddenly get poured on by raindrops and dash into the closest den, the nursery. Inside is Swirltail and her kits, Mosskit and Stormkit. Branchwhisker is also inside, licking water from his fur. He looks up at your entrance. "Hi, Leafwind." He meowed.
  7. The two of you stay in the nursery for a while. Mosskit and Stormkit tumble around in a ball playfighting. You notice Branchwhisker watching them admiringly. "Do you want your own kits?" Swirltail asks him. Branchwhisker looks at her embarrassingly. "I, uh, well... uh, yes?" He replies stuttering. Swirltail grins and faces you. "What about you, Leafwind?"
  8. "I see." Swirltail says and continues watching the playfight between her two sons. The next day the rain stops and you exit the nursery. The first thing you do is...
  9. Branchwhisker and Lightfoot go out on patrol, so Sharpfur takes you to the side of your territory furthest away from twolegplace. "Look over there, at the top of that hill," he says after a while of walking, pointing with his tail at a small hill. It has many red, yellow, blue and purple flowers on it. You gape at its beauty and don't notice as Sharpfur slips away and returns with a plump mouse. He drops it at your paws. You think...
  10. Just then you hear a yowl in the direction of camp, followed by many others. You and Sharpfur race back to camp and see SunClan attacking! And there, in the middle of it all, was Stripestar.
  11. Cliffhanger!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Quiz topic: My Love Story (She-cats Only)