Warrior Cats Love Story pt1 (she-cats only)

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Most she-cats take on a mate at some point in there life. All toms have potential to be a good mate, but there is only one that can fit for a certain she-cat.

There are five toms that have that potential, but there is only one that is right for you. Who will you're perfect mate will be, or will you not have one at all? Find out in this quiz.

Created by: _Cinderflight123_
  1. You and your friend, Harekit, are playing mossball together. A handsome blue-gray tom with silver paws pads hesitantly over to you two, followed by a light gray tom with darker stripes. "H-hello...I-I'm Bluekit..." the blue-gray Kit stammers. "My friend, Cr-Creekkit and I were wondering if we c-could play..." Creekkit looks at you and Harekit expectantly. You...
  2. Whatever you thought, the two kits ended up playing with you. While playing, you were most distracted by...
  3. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a light brown tabby striding towards you kits. "Hello, kittens!" he purrs. "My name is Gorsepaw." All you kits mew a greeting to the apprentice. "You all look about six moons old, so your apprentice ceremonies shouldn't be too far off." Gorsepaw points out. "I can't wait to be an apprentice!" you mew boldly, jutting your chin. Gorsepaw perks his ears, as if an idea suddenly struck him. "How would you like a little tour of ThunderClan territory? I wouldn't go far, but it would still be neat." Harekit shakes his head. "No thank you. My mother would be angry with me." he explains. Bluekit presses his ears to his head. "I'll just...st-stay here..." he whimpers. Creekkit hesitates before puffing out his tiny chest and squeaking, "I'll go!" Harekit looks to you. "(Y/N), are you going to stay and play with us or go?" You...
  4. Just then, your mother, Morningbird, rushed out and grabbed you by your scruff. "Morningbird!" you whine. "What is it?" Happiness dances in your mother's eyes. "It's your apprentice ceremony!" she purrs. You instantly perk up. Soon, you, Bluekit, Creekkit, and Harekit are groomed so that your pelts are sleek and glossy. You all dash out, scrambling over eachother. You and your friends sit eagerly beside your mothers under highledge. Jaystar gazes fondly down at you all, continuing the ceremony. "Four kits are ready to become apprentices. (Y/N), you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as (Y/N). Your mentor will be Olivenose. I hope Olivenose passes down all she knows on to you." You feel like bursting with pride, and judging by Olivenose's expression, she feels the same way. After all of you have received your apprentice names, you immediately bound to your mentor. "What're we doing first?" you ask enthusiastically." Olivenose chuckles at your eagerness. "We're going to tour the territory, along with Harepaw and Creekpaw." You...
  5. Just then, your mother, Morningbird, rushed out and grabbed you by your scruff. "Morningbird!" you whine. "What is it?" Happiness dances in your mother's eyes. "It's your apprentice ceremony!" she purrs. You instantly perk up. Soon, you, Bluekit, Creekkit, and Harekit are groomed so that your pelts are sleek and glossy. You all dash out, scrambling over eachother. You and your friends sit eagerly beside your mothers under highledge. Jaystar gazes fondly down at you all, continuing the ceremony. "Four kits are ready to become apprentices. (Y/N), you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as (Y/N). Your mentor will be Olivenose. I hope Olivenose passes down all she knows on to you." You feel like bursting with pride, and judging by Olivenose's expression, she feels the same way. After all of you have received your apprentice names, you immediately bound to your mentor. "What're we doing first?" you ask enthusiastically." Olivenose chuckles at your eagerness. "We're going to tour the territory, along with Harepaw and Creekpaw." You...
  6. While touring the territory, you stay close to...
  7. Afterwards, the sun has start to set, and you all head back to camp. You feel so worn out, that you just want to eat and get some sleep. Gorsepaw bounds up to you with a plump hare in his jaws. "It's the new apprentice!" he purrs around a mouthful of fur. "You want to share this rabbit with me? I caught it myself. You...
  8. After you finished eating, night had fallen. You slunk into the apprentices den and wondered where to put your nest. You...
  9. While settling down into your bed, you see Gorsepaw come in and lay down. You close your eyes, but when you open them again, Gorsepaw is staring at you. You...
  10. Gorsepaw snaps out of his daze and licks his ruffled chest fur in embarrassment. "Oh, er, sorry..." he muttered, turning his back to you and curling up. You...
  11. In the middle of the night, you wake up to find a weight pressed against you and a paw draped over you. You look over and see Bluepaw sleeping peacefully beside you, pressed up against you. You...
  12. The next day, you all practice fighting with your mentors. You're in a match with Harepaw, and you pin him down after awhile. You...
  13. You have been an apprentice for awhile, and you were now going on your first solo hunt near the WindClan border. You were stalking a rabbit, when suddenly, screeches and snarls erupted, shattering the silence. You race towards the source of the sound, finding a WindClan apprentice attacking a small white dog. You...
  14. Once you and the apprentice finish the dog off, sending it howling in pain, you get a good look at the apprentice. He was a muscular, dark gray with a lighter face, chest, underbelly, and paws, with icy blue eyes. Despite his wounds, this cat was very handsome, you...
  15. "Hey, thanks for saving me." the apprentice meows, panting. "I'm Wolfpaw, by the way." You look at him. "Uh, (Y/N)," you reply. Wolfpaw smirks. "I was pretty brave there, huh? Fighting off that dog?" he brags. You...
  16. Wolfpaw lowers his head. "You did well, too..." he murmurs. You...
  17. When you depart, you head straight back for your camp. You warn Jaystar about the dog, and she thanks you. You head into the medicine cat den, and as Sheepfur applies herbs to your wounds, you think about...
  18. After you leave the medicine den, you see Creekpaw with another apprentice, a pretty white she-cat with brown tabby patches known as Breezepaw. You...
  19. You crawl into the apprentices den and...

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