Your life as a wolf pt. 5

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Created by: EclipseShadow
  1. "Smoketail! Get up! Hurry!" You mutter into the sleeping wolf's ear. You had just spotted a Plain pack nearby and you wanted to get out, quick. They would catch your scent soon. You dodge Smoketail's flailing leg as he sleepily jerks himself up. "What? Is something wrong?" He says, a bit loudly. You notice one of the wolves, a thin tawny she-wolf, perk her ears in your direction. "There's a Plain pack nearby! We need to hurry and move, they'll smell us in a second if the wind doesn't change!" Smoketail shakes his head, looking drowsy. He has many good qualities, but waking up before he is ready is not one of them. "Uh, go spy on them or something." He says lazily before stretching. "The wind's not right! They'll smell me before I can get close, besides a storm is coming and we need to move to someplace where we can rest without getting soaked anyway." You reply. He yawns. "Alright." He says, quieter now, "Let's move." He starts forward, creeping low in the long grass so nothing can see him. You glance back, and groan. The pack is moving towards you, the tawny she-wolf pointing the way. She had heard you. "Smoketail, they've heard us." You murmur, pressing yourself close toward the ground. A gust of wind blows backward, and the wolves all tilt their head upward, sniffing the wind. They can smell you. They all run forward, spreading out to cut off escape. "SMOKETAIL! They've smelled us, run!" You exclaim, and, knowing that only speed, not stealth, will help you now, you shoot forward, giving Smoketail a sharp nip as you plunge forward. He yelps but speeds up.
  2. You whirl around as a grey wolf heads at you, but another black and white wolf herds you off, but you snarl at him and give him a hard bite. He yanks away but then jumps forward and growls. You try to run, but his bulk hits you. Hard. He is on top of you, rolling and snapping. You narrowly avoid getting bitten several times. You push your legs upward and he flies off of you, landing neatly on all fours. You turn around and run, but run smack into the tawny she-wolf. She growls and tries to pin you, but you easily toss her off. Then you spot the river, rushing alarmingly fast. You slam your body into the wolf and push toward the river. The wolf howls as the cold water covers her. She doesn't come back up. You feel a pang, but know you can't feel sorry now. There will be time for that later. You silently thank Smoketail that he insisted you two follow the river. You hadn't agreed with him then, but you'd probably be dead if it hadn't been for his decision. You spot him struggling and fighting three wolves at once, all three of them trying to jump on top of him. Talk about dog piling. You dodge several wolves as you make your way toward him. "Smoketail, make a break for it!" You call to him as you tackle a wolf which had just leapt for the grey and white wolf. He nods and, wheeling, runs forward. You do the same, knocking the wolf off as you do. You head for Smoketail, dodging teeth as you go. You run alongside him, carefully checking your stride. You didn't want to get to tired to quickly. After running for a few minutes, you risk a glance backwards. The wolves are following, but they are straggling and aren't even close to catching you. Many of them have bite wounds and Smoketail had also tossed several wolves in the river. All in all, you were pretty sure there were five wolves missing and three wolves who had gotten bit by Smoketail who wouldn't budge but simply sat, nursing their wounds. You didn't realize Smoketail was such a good fighter.
  3. You two lope through the Plain for another hour, using the easy, ground-eating pace which wolves excel at. Smoketail finally stops and you stop as well, sitting down to catch your breath. "You killed the yellow female, didn't you? "Smoketail asked, not accusingly, just in a sad, regretful way. "Threw her into the river." You respond, shuddering at the memory of her frantic look as she sank. "Her name was Lightning-strike. We used to be friends. She lived on the border of Plain and Forest, until she finally joined a Plain pack. She had a mate but left him behind." He says sadly. You see the hurt in his eyes, and know he had not yet conquered his Plain past. It still tugs at him as he remembers the friends he will never have again. "I'm sorry, but she would have killed me had I not one something." You say. he shakes his head and stares at the cool blue sky. "I am not blaming you. The Plain has a way of twisting even a good wolf into bad." You stay quiet and ponder what he said, head tilted thoughtfully. "You are not bad." You point out. "I was until I saw how, well, how good the Forest wolves are. The harmony...Even the lone wolves, with no pack, fit in perfectly, even if they aren't necessarily respected. A loner from the Plain would be hunted down, bit a couple times as punishment, and forced to join a pack." He says, and you shudder.
  4. Two days pass. You and Smoketail stay near the border, hoping for the watch on it to be relinquished, but to no avail. Meanwhile, you spy on the guard wolves, gathering every bit of info you can. You learn that many of the Plain wolves are tired of their unfair treatment, that only high-ranking wolves like Alphas and Betas are happy. You are horrified at the treatment of low-ranking wolves. One day you see a pack far away chase down and attack a omega who tried to run away from it's pack. It was awful, who had to restrain yourself from rushing to it's aid. You know that many of the wolves chasing it are doing it against their will, they are forced to by the Alpha. But that doesn't make it easier it to bear. One day while you are watching a guard wolf, downwind, a sudden familiar stench fills your nose. You gag and look down. A small, velvety plant has been snapped where you stepped on it. The smell is just like the one from the jackrabbit!! That must have been how it was poisoned, it ate the plant. You gasp as you wonder how many other animals eat this plant, how long it will be before wolves cannot eat because poison is within the animals they hunt.
  5. As you stare at the plant, you wonder if it has spread into the Forest, if it can even grow there. It doesn't matter. Right now you need to tell Smoketail about the plant, you need to tell him to be careful when hunting. You head back to where you guys are staying. He;s laying there, stretched out in the sun. You panic, thinking you're too late, he's dead. But then he stirs and yawns. You feel relief etch itself deep into your bones, you were really scared for a second. "Smoketail..." You blurt out the story to him and when you finish, he is quiet. When he looks up, his eyes are full of fear. If a wolf could be pale, he would be. "Oh no..." He trails off. "What is it?" You ask, he's obviously worried and frightened. "That plant is called the Mircrew plant. It is deadly poisonous, and only grows in the Plain. It hasn't grown here for ages, we thought it had been wiped out. It grows like wildfire, and many animals eat it. Soon, all the animals wolves hunt will be poisoned or dead." He answers. you shake your head, how can a plant cause so much damage? "What can we do?" You wonder. "What is there to do?" Smoketail groans.
  6. That night, you fall asleep uneasy, the Mircrew plant sharp in your mind. 'Soon it will completely out choke the Plain, kill all the animals. What will the wolves do? It's not as if they can just move into the Forest. Some of those wolves deserve to die, but not all...' Your thoughts trail off as you realize the solution. Of course! 'All we have to do is get the Plain packs to move to move to the Forest, and get the Forests packs to accept them..' Your thoughts trail off again, another dead end. Both tribes are much to prideful, they have been warring to long to let each other in. You yourself, until recently, hated the Plain and it's occupants. Now you realize that most of the wolves are not to be blamed, mainly just the Alphas. Suddenly a rustling jerks you from your thoughts, you sit up, tall grasses brushing your ears, and strain your eyes against the darkness. there is no moon, but you can see a wolf shape silhouetted against the grasses, before melting into them. It is not Smoketail, he is right next to you. An icy tendril of fear snakes up your back...
  7. "Do not be afraid." A small, lilting voice calls to you from the darkness, "I mean no harm. I am no Plain wolf, but a Forest wolf as you are." With that, a wolf steps out of the grass. You can see a bright white coat challenging the darkness. Light, icy eyes, stare at you. "I was sent as a Forest spy, but now, unable to get out because of the patrol, I cannot. My names is Dawn." Smoketail is now awake, he heard the whole thing. You can tell she is telling the truth. You nod and say, "Would you like to stay with us for the night?" "Yes, please." Dawn replies. No more fear haunts you, your instincts tell you this spy wolf will not harm you, even if she may be dangerous to other enemy wolves. You do not sleep more that night, when Dawn and Smoketail awake proper introductions are made, you three agree to stay together until you can escape into the Forest.
  8. That's it for today, folks!!! Please rate and comment!!!
  9. A few more questions: What is most appealing to you? (if you were a wolf?)
  10. What is most appealing to you? (if you were a wolf?)

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Quiz topic: My life as a wolf pt. 5