Your kind of Cat

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We have crateted this quiz because some people do not know if they should get a cat.but if they take the quiz we have made they will know if they should or should not get a cat.

no person should have to go through fights and stress to figure out if they need a cat. What is the easiest way to find this out? The Cat Quiz! make sure if it is 6 or under to ask parent permission to take this quiz before coming online!!

Created by: Allie
  1. What animals do you have
  2. Do you want your cat to be
  3. What kind of cat do you want?
  4. how old is your youngest sibling?
  5. Would you spend a lot of time grooming your cat?
  6. what kind of coat do you want?
  7. how often would you play with a cat?
  8. what kind of toy would you buy your cat
  9. would you feed your cat leftovers or any human food?
  10. would you enter your cat in a contest

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Quiz topic: My kind of Cat