You and your BF 2

Part 2 is here of You and your Bf it's like so toally absolutly AWESOMELY COOL try it out k thank you 100000000000 times:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Should you stay with your current boyfriend or go to the hot jock or are you drawn to the mysterious guy in the corner it's all up to you in You and Your Bf

Created by: dreamer12
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're at home studying when the door bell rings your older brother Mathew opens it and yells from the foyer "Chels" a guy from your school wants to see you, you hope it's
  2. It's Lindan you come downstairs and he's standing there he grabs you and asks you questions about what you were doing and if anyone is with you you look nervous and loving at thesame time he asks you about your oppion of school
  3. Lindan says it's time for him to go and invites you to his house tomarrow when he leaves you feel
  4. You go back up to your room when your cell phone rings you pick it up expeting it to be Hannah but it's Denny
  5. "Hey babe you wanna go out with me tomarrow night it's to the horror movie thats coming out" he says flirtaiosly "you in just you and me"
  6. Denny tells you he'll pick you up at about six then you'll head on to the movies "See ya around Baby"
  7. You rush to email Hannah about your date but when you get to the email Todd sent you one "Miss you Baby"
  8. You email Hannah about your situtaion afterward Todd sends you pictures of him with some celebs he says he got Selena Gomez autogragh for you and more
  9. Hannah calls you back and tells you to date Denny once and only once since Todd isn't coming back til next week and you tell her Lindan came over "Lindan the creepy guy" "actually he's sorta cool" you ask her if Lindan is spying on you or smething.
  10. Who do you love

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Quiz topic: You and my BF 2