Write a Letter to Bakugo

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You decide to write a letter to Bakugo. What do you say? What do you want to letter to accomplish and tell Bakugo? Most importantly, how will Bakugo see it?

Figure out how Bakugo feels about you and if you could make him feel a certain way about you. Enjoy this MHA role-playing Bakugo quiz made by me! Enjoy!

Created by: Akia Bakugo of Channel with more Bakugo stuff
(your link here more info)
  1. What are you like?
  2. How would you act around Bakugo?
  3. What would you do with your free time?
  4. Bakugo and his friends are going to play games at Denki's house and you come. What do you do?
  5. Bakugo is eating Lunch alone. What do you do?
  6. Now to the letter! Finally, am I right? How would you address it?
  7. What do you say?
  8. What is the main reason you wrote the letter?
  9. Do you add anything?
  10. How do you give it to him?
  11. How did you act around him?
  12. What would you two do together
  13. What signals would you give him while hanging out?
  14. Finally...if he was sad...what would you do?

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