Would you rather? Impossible edition!

Can you make these IMPOSSIBLE decisions? Theses questions would leave you deciding for hours! Can you awnser them all without any doubt? I don't think so!

If you awnser all of them without any regret tell me in the comments, I would be surprised if anyone does! This impossible game would make you never play 'would you rather' the same ever again!

Created by: Slytherin Heir of PreppySlytherin
(your link here more info)
  1. Would you rather: Eat slugs or spiders? Mode: medium
  2. Would you rather: die right now or be immortal but never see your family or friends, never be allowed to talk to anyone and be alone. Mode: hard
  3. Would you rather: Be the most popular person in school but lose your best friend or be the nerd that always gets bullied. Mode: medium
  4. Would you rather: Do a 30 second long burb in front of your crush or teacher? Mode: hard
  5. Would you rather? Go to hogwarts or diagon alley? Mode: easy
  6. Would you rather: get stabbed on the arm for 1 million dollars or leave it. Mode: hard
  7. Would you rather: Always speak in made up words or go blind? Mode: impossible!!!
  8. Would you rather: have to live the rest of your life with a cough or runny nose? Mode: medium
  9. Would you rather: Pee your pants in public every day or go through your worst day all over again everytime you eat? Mode:impossible
  10. Would you rather: live in an rural area for the rest of your life or live in an extremly busy city for the rest of your life? Mode: easy
  11. Would you rather: kill 1 guilty person and goto jail or kill 5 innocent person and get away with it? Mode: Impossible!
  12. Would you rather: give 1 million dollar worth of food to the poor or keep 1 million dollars to yourself? Mode: medium
  13. Would you rather: have hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (fear of long words) or cynophobia (fear of dogs)? Mode: hard
  14. Would you rather: never eat chocolate again or never eat pizza again? Mode: medium
  15. Would you rather: live on apples or cow meat? Mode: medium
  16. Would you rather: be stalked for the rest of your life or have covid for the rest of your life? Mode: impossible!
  17. Would you rather: go back in time to stop covid or stop Russia from invading Ukraine?
  18. Would you rather: Your crush never liking you back or your crush to die.
  19. Would you rather: never finding love but live until your 100 or find a perfect match but die at 50 in a accident? Mode: hard
  20. Would you rather: kiss your enemy or kiss a stranger in public? Mode: hard
  21. Would you rather: be friends with Harry Poter or Draco Malfoy? Mode: easy
  22. Would you rather: give up your phone or give up your pet (or seeing your fave animal if you don't have a pet)?
  23. Would you rather: be allergic to gummies or gum? mode: hard
  24. Would you rather: save someones life but everyone thinks your the bad one or kill someone with everyone thinking your a hero?
  25. Would you rather: never have kids or never get married. Mode: medium

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