would you rather EXTRA LONG and others

Video was too long. Halfway through it, I got hungry so I left it playing and went to the kitchen to fix my self a sandwich. But then I found out that I'm out of mayonnaise so I went to a store. There, I saw the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my whole life. But I'm really a shy person so I took up a three-year personality development course so I can introduce my self. She was very friendly and all, but unfortunately, she has a boyfriend. So I said, all good, I'm a mature person. I want the best for her and I harbor no illusion that I am the be

ore. But we kept in touch and we became friends and I got over my crush on her. Then she broke up with her boyfriend, we drank some alcohol because of it, I told her she'll be fine and I wished her well. I still think she's the most beautiful woman in the world, but like I said, I am over my crush on her. It was like five years already when I first saw her. Besides, I am quiet happy with the friendship I developed with her. It was more important than a crush. So we kept hanging out, drinking, having coffee, and all. I had a girlfriend, she started dating other guys. My girlfriend wants to live some other life without me in it, so I said, okay, I want the best for you and I want you to pursue your happiness. My lady friend and I drank alcohol about it, and she gave me the same advice I gave her when she was in that position and I became okay with the breakup immediately. But we were really drunk, so she spent the night in my apartment. I only have one bed, so you know what that means: She took the bed and I slept on the couch. But on the couch, I really can't sleep. Something was bothering me. So I tossed and turned for about three hours, then I finally can't take it anymore, I stood up and went straight to my room where she's sleeping. I approached the bed, gently sat on it and I reached for her shoulder to pull her closer to me. She stirred and woke up. She asked what's up. I told her, you know, the first time I saw you, I was watching a video and left it playing to get…

Created by: onlypotatoesboi
  1. would you spin wheel with an equal chance of landing on any country in the world and the country it lands on you have to live in forever and you also get half a million $/£
  2. would you rather:
  3. which conspiracy theory is the dumbest (they all have an actual following some bigger than others)
  4. would you rather:
  5. how do you put toilet paper on the roll
  6. would you rather:
  7. what drugs have you tried (THIS IS ANONYMOUS SO DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THE COPS BUSTING IN) - or duolingo bird .
  8. who was the greatest killer ever
  9. would you rather:
  10. choose a 5 letter word.
  11. would you rather name your eldest son (future adopted or biological) life hack number 3 is a good kahoot name trust me!
  12. what is the most messed up saying here. ALSO: skip if ur not dirty minded or u wanna be family friendly okay .
  13. chose a state any state
  14. what is the most evil here
  15. has this been a long quiz
  16. last one would you rather

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